Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunflower State

Shortly after entering North Dakota we were blessed with a field of sunflowers.  Sunflowers are one of my very favorite flowers.  They always look so cheery and I like that they grow so tall.  After that initial field we didn’t see too many for a few days.

We were told by a woman in Enderlin that many farmers stopped growing them because it had been so wet in previous years.  I guess when it is wet the cattails grow with the flowers and crows nest in them and eat the sunflowers.  She said that they can decimate a crop.  I guess this year would have been dry enough for the sunflowers. 

Then today I saw a number of fields of them – it was amazing.  It looked like yellow paint spilt on the ground for as far as the eye could see.   


Melissa Kunga Silva said...

Ahhh, you make me homesick. There were fields of them like this in Italy. I know just the feeling.

Marvit said...

Fantastic scenery of the enormous yellow splashes! Your friends and family know of your fondness for sunflowers, so this seems like a fabulous and joyous celebration in the midst of the travail and challenges of the road. A huge congrats to you both for persevering and now surpassing the 50-squared milestone of adventure.