Thursday, August 2, 2012

Iowa Hills and Cows

DW:  Last night we stayed in Dyersville IA (noteworthy for being the site of Kevin Costner’s baseball movie “Field of Dreams” “…build it and they will come.”) and by 6:45AM we were back on the road to Elkader, Iowa, some 45 miles to the north and west. Never let anyone tell you Iowa is completely flat .It is not. Oh there are some flat stretches of Iowa highway, but not the route we are taking. Today we rode rollers all the way to Elkader reaching speeds of 35+ mph on some of the downhills and crawling upwards at 4 mph on ascents in our lowest possible gear. 

Bonus: there was a tailwind today – a wonderful pushing tailwind that took the edge off, especially on the climbs. Today’s stretch was quite beautiful with vistas of green valleys, hills, and rolling farmlands that go on forever.

Curious cattle that thought we were cycling farmers with food. 

Feeding time, tails a waggin'

I stopped to take a picture of curious cattle watching us behind their fence. After the shot, and when I started moving again, the entire herd of fifty or more cattle ran towards the barn thinking I was there to feed them. The term “herd mentality” came to mind and I could almost feel their collective disappointment when I didn’t stop.

It’s about time to mention Iowa motorists. They are for the most part fantastic. Almost everyone approaching waves to us on the roads and gives us a wide berth when passing. This is particularly true of truckers who go out of their way to pass us as far away as is safe. There have been no drive-by shoutings or buzzing (passing way too close) in Iowa.
The sign says it all.

Hydrating around noon in the hard to find patch of shade.

PAS: In Elkader we stayed at the city campground which was hot, although they had a bath house which helps a lot.  There were a zillion flies though – and they did not let up.  It was a rough night in terms of sleeping and in some ways it was good to get on the road.

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