Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mad Tom Road – A Sestina about Touring in Vermont.

Dusk faded into darkness

On that grueling ride, on Mad Tom Road

It was the hardest I have ever climbed

The hardest this forty-eight year old body has ever been pushed

In the Vermont Green Mountains, sixty-five miles into the day, we were lost

Yet, we persevered and the company of each other buoyed our spirits

In the black night I felt the woodland Spirits

Peering at the lone riders in the darkness

Yet, I was not afraid, and optimism was not lost

Our directions said “continue on” Mad Tom Road

But we had reached a “T” and had to choose – right or left, up or down -- so onward we pushed

Taking the left, we continued and upward we climbed

How difficult this steep hill was that we climbed

Yet, unlike the depression that pulls down my spirits

This challenge of being pushed

In the darkness

On a deserted tree lined, country road

Did not drag me down – hope was not lost

Yet, we were hopelessly lost

Off the bicycles, walking, we still climbed

Until we saw some lights along the road

So guided by Spirits

We followed the lights up the long driveway and out of the darkness

Not knowing what awaited us as onward we pushed

Toward the end, where there stood a small house, each pedal stroke we slowly pushed

A man greeted us with “Howdy, how are you?” I replied. “Lost!”

We stood in the darkness

Were told that needlessly we had climbed

Even so, we were not defeated and held onto our adventurous Spirits

And so, we descended, disbelievingly, down the steep gravel road.

A tangent, a diversion, a mistake was that Mad Tom Road

Yet our meddle was tested, our bodies and minds pushed

And we reveled in the strength of our Spirits

The challenging of being lost

Is how to find yourself – and we did, and climbed

Out of the darkness

Our Spirits as we travel life’s road

Can descend into darkness, yet there are times when we are pushed

Where we see that all is not lost and there is purpose, albeit spiritual, for the mountains climbed.

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