Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Goddess of the Kitchen Flat

My first flat tire was in the kitchen. I had ridden a number of miles and was home and my partner felt my tire. "You have a flat!" he says. Now at that time those words scared me and I wasn't sure exactly what to do; however, I managed to fix it with help. I was very lucky that the flat was not on an isolated road in Concord in the pouring rain. I had the luxury of practicing how to fix a flat in the comfort of my own kitchen.

The funny thing is that the next flat I got was also in the kitchen. As was the next and the next. I have been blessed by the kitchen flat goddess. Then my partner had a couple of kitchen flats too. It was like the bicycles waited until we got home to flat.

I am grateful for the kitchen flats, not only because I now feel I could relatively easily change a flat on an isolated road in the pouring rain, but because I think that the Universe does watch over me.

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