Sunday, February 17, 2008

Racing Chick at 46

I am 46 years old and have never been an athlete before. Now I am. I started cycling two years ago and it was the first time that I was truly interested in a sport. My first year I rode 6000 miles and the second 4500, including a 125 mile one day ride for AIDS.

The first year I just cycled like crazy and was happy just to be on the bike and learning how to draft, pace line, use my gears, and take care of my bike. The second year, I rode a little less and wondered what I could do to challenge myself and improve my performance. This year, I have decided to race. Now, writing it so baldly is a little scary to me. I did get a racing license and I have been trying to follow a training schedule and I have been looking at races that I might want to try, but I still have a hard time saying that I am going to race.

When I signed up for the license, I put my information into the electronic form and before I closed the deal a summary came up on my computer screen. It said that I was 47 years old as of December 2008. This is true. My reaction was to think, "what the hell do you think YOU are doing at 47 years old??!!" I still signed up for the license.

So here I am closing in on menopause and thinking about and training for bicycle racing. Who knew?


  1. And who are you NOT to race? You are an athlete, whether you are 48 or 18 years old. So give it your best and most of all, have fun doing it!

  2. And who are you to NOT try to race? You are an athlete, whether you're 48 or 18. So give it your best and most of all, have fun doing it!
